

Skanska partners with the busiest airports and largest airlines and aerospace companies to transform the aviation industry of today for tomorrow’s travelers.

We build for the passenger.
We build for stakeholders.
We build for partnership.

Shared Goals

From the gate where your passengers arrive, to the belt where bags are delivered, we work to renew the pleasure of traveling. Our logistics and phasing plans are designed to create a positive traffic flow and make construction invisible, allowing the traveler to enjoy the journey.

On fast-paced, high security aviation projects, collaboration from day one is essential to ensure no disruptions. By aligning our operations with the day-to-day functions of the airport, we deliver safe, secure, high quality construction that meets the needs of all end-users.

Our teams have over $7 billion of aviation construction experience in a variety of delivery models, including construction management at risk, design-build and public-private partnerships. With this expertise, we partner with owners and provide optimal solutions for life cycle costs, schedule, phasing, logistics, safety, security and other key metrics.

We build what matters

We customize our approach to meet each client’s needs. To learn more, click on the highlighted projects below.