
Our Organization

Skanska AB is a listed Swedish stock corporation, governed in accordance with Swedish corporate legislation, Skanska's Articles of Association and the listing rules for NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Skanska applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.

Skanska USA Organization

Skanska’s USA operations are also governed through the following bodies:

  • USA Board – members of Skanska USA’s executive management team, Skanska AB and non-executive directors.
  • Executive Management Team – responsible for setting strategic direction; led by Richard Kennedy, Skanska USA President and CEO.
  • Senior Management Team – Skanska USA executives who manage the day-to-day operation of the business.

Skanska USA’s organizational structure consists of three operating units responsible for different sectors. Each has a President and CEO and an executive leadership team. Skanska USA also has a number of centralized support functions, including IT, Human Resources and Communication, called Shared Services.