Fei Ye, senior development manager at CDUS, recently returned from her Foresight visit to CDN.
Fei, who works out of our Los Angeles office, visited our CDN teams in Gothenburg, Sweden and Oslo, Norway as a part of her Foresight visit. Reflecting on the time spent with her CD colleagues across the pond, Fei notes being most inspired by her colleagues’ commitment to sustainability and innovation.
“I was also energized hearing different project teams talk about the new technology they’re exploring for their projects,” she says.
In terms of similarities and differences between the Skanska culture she is used to, and our company culture overseas, Fei found more commonalities than differences.
“Overall, I realize that many of us are facing the same challenges and dealing with the same issues,” says Fei. “We also have a culture of inclusivity, openness and respect in common.”
During her Nordic trip, Fei witnessed the strength of Skanska’s values in action. “I finished the program with a deeper understanding of the Skanska values,” she says. “By hearing career stories from my CDN colleagues, touring different Skanska projects and experiencing the Nordic culture, I came to further understand how deep our values are ingrained in our day-to-day company culture.”