Jeff Smoker
Assistant project manager at Skanska
Former Active Duty in the United States Marine Corps (USMC); Current inactive reserves
- 3 years building healthcare and educational facilities at Skanska
- 6 years in the USMC as a Field Artillery Officer
How has your military training helped you at Skanska?
The Marines set me up for success at Skanska in two significant ways. The attention to detail that the military instills in you from day one is an extremely important function of work in our industry. Understanding each project, where the risk and reward is, and how we can constantly improve are all found in the details. The second piece of military training that I’ve carried with me is to always seek out and take on more responsibility. By taking responsibility for your own actions and seeking out additional responsibilities, you not only grow personally but you grow the business as well.
What kind of opportunities does Skanska offer?
The largest opportunity that Skanska gave me in my transition is simply the opportunity to thrive. Coming to Skanska there was no preconceived notions of who I was or what I brought to the table due to my military background. I was simply part of the team, and it was up to me to bring my experiences and strengths to the position.
What advice do you offer Veterans trying to transition into construction?
A lot of Veterans struggle to find purpose after their time in the military is complete because it allows you to be a part of something you can tangibly see—you’re doing something for the greater good of society. By coming into the construction industry and physically building the communities around you, you can achieve that same feeling of bettering the world.
What value do Veterans bring to the industry?
Veterans carry with them a certain aspect of pride in everything they do. Being part of an organization that is bigger than yourself gives you an immense amount of pride. By carrying that into our industry, you see another level of wanting the company, and your team and project to succeed on a daily basis.