Leading indicators are more consistent with Injury Free Environment and include such things as measuring full participation in Stretch and Flex, the number of people who are trained in IFE Orientation and a Supervisory Skills Workshop, as well as the number of Executive Site Safety Visits (ESSV) performed at jobsites by Skanska leadership. Like a sports team that practices all the right things prior to a game, we believe embracing leading indicators will lead to the best performance in the field and lead to lower and lower lagging indicators, with the ultimate goal of zero.
Committed to worker safety from the top down
Leadership that inspires safe behavior is the foundation of an Injury-Free Environment. Skanska executives conduct Executive Site Safety Visits (ESSV) to demonstrate the importance of visible leadership throughout the organization. In the U.S., Skanska leaders conduct more than 1,200 formal ESSVs every year to promote the safest working environment possible.