High level of ethics
Skanska aspires to operate with a high level of ethics in all our home markets. To achieve this, we are supported by our Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct, which explains the behaviors we expect from our supply chain and other partners.
Based on our values
Our Code of Conduct is based on Skanska’s values, and those values are more than mere words – they are how we strive to live every day. They set the expectation for conducting our business in responsible and sustainable ways, enabling us to be a trusted partner to our customers. Skanska’s Code of Conduct is key to bringing our values to life.
Our Code of Conduct establishes how we should conduct ourselves in interactions with fellow employees, our customers, the communities in which we operate and other stakeholders. It provides Skanska employees with hands-on guidance on how to act in accordance with our values, specifically Act Ethically and Transparently. The Code provides many examples to help employees apply the concepts in daily life.
We launched our latest Code of Conduct on September 1, 2016. It is supplemented by our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Skanska's Code of Conduct is also available as a web application.
Open culture
Our Code of Conduct provides employees with direction, but they will still face dilemmas involving ethics. We promote a transparent workplace culture in which ethics is openly and regularly discussed, including with “value moments” at the start of meetings.
Through this, we want employees to be comfortable raising ethical questions and dilemmas with their supervisors and others. All employees need to feel empowered to report instances of non-compliance with our Code.
Reporting concerns
Each Skanska business unit has an Ethics Committee that investigates all reports. One way to make reports is through our US Ethics Hotline or Code of Conduct Hotline. This is accessible to both employees and outside parties, including customers, suppliers and subcontractors. Read more about How to report a concern.