
Skanska completes State Route-60 Moreno Beach Drive Interchange improvement project in Moreno Valley, California

Press release 2/7/2024 7:00 AM EST
Moreno Beach Drive Interchange

MORENO VALLEY, CA – Skanska, a leading global construction and development firm, has announced the substantial completion of the $27.8 million State Route-60 (SR-60) Moreno Beach Drive Interchange Improvement Project in Moreno Valley, California.

The interchange improvement project included the replacement of the SR-60 Moreno Beach Drive overcrossing bridge, as well as the reconstruction and realignment of westbound on-ramps and off-ramps. The replacement of the existing two-lane bridge with a seven-lane bridge and reconstruction of the north side of the interchange will enhance freeway access and accommodate increased traffic demands.

On February 6, the City of Moreno Valley celebrated the opening of the Moreno Beach Drive interchange with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

"Skanska is proud of the improvements we were able to make to the Moreno Beach Drive interchange,” said James Bailey, executive vice president of Skanska USA Civil’s West Coast operations. “These improvements have decreased congestion for commuters and residents, and our collaboration with the City of Moreno Valley has allowed us to upgrade the existing infrastructure to improve safety and flow of traffic for the community. We are happy to announce that all travel lanes across the bridge as well as on-ramps and off-ramps are now open to traffic.”

Along with associated highway interchange improvements, the project also included the installation of a westbound auxiliary lane, new traffic signals, and a 1,500-foot-long 90-inch storm drain system.

Skanska was awarded this project by the City of Moreno Valley in 2022 and began construction in November of that year.

A link to photos of the project can be found here.