
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia McNeil Sciences and Technology Center

  • McNeil Sciences and Technology Center
  • McNeil Sciences and Technology Center
  • McNeil Sciences and Technology Center
  • McNeil Sciences and Technology Center

The new McNeil Science & Technology Center (STC) at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia is located on the South Campus directly adjacent to a new athletic/recreation center, also built by Skanska.

The 77,000-SF STC accommodates programs in biology, bioinformatics, math, physics and computer science. Major components of the building include nuclear magnetic resonance suites; research laboratories; cold rooms; teaching laboratories; study pods; classrooms; faculty offices; and a three-story atrium. There are 48 offices for faculty and staff and work spaces for 36 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Eight teaching laboratories for use in biology and physics are spread throughout the building. In addition, there is a 20-seat bioinformatics lab, computer-dedicated research area with corresponding space for two Beowulf super computers as part of the Cephalon bioinformatics suite. The facility’s centerpiece is a 400-seat auditorium with the latest in audiovisual technology

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